List Manager Forum

Display List on Front End

User moon_835 2012-12-10 06:01:50

How do I display my list on the Front End? I created it, but when i linked it through Menu, it just shows Search and not the list.

Thank you

Moonsoft support 2012-12-10 09:49:39

please ensure you have set the following:

- At least one column marked as 'visible' at fields configuration.
- Save at least once the acl configuration.
- At menu options, double-check you list is set as the list to be displayed.
- Try to find out if there is any javascript error at your page, cause it can stop loading records. (If you give us the url, here or at a helpdesk ticket, we can take a look)
- Set the parameter 'Access control' to -> 'Full' in order to discard any user identification issue.



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