List Manager Forum

editing layout (css-fle)

User moon_679 2012-11-20 16:23:41


The CSS-file I'm trying to edit for the layout is at: /modules/mod_listmanager/assets/css/default.css
I hope this is the right one.

I found in some other topics, that I have to edit .lm_trblack en .lm_trwhite to create difference in colors for the result-lines.

In my test-case its now:
.lm_trblack {
.lm_trwhite {

but the result is a full white background, without any colors.

For some reasen, at +/- line 173 I have ".lm_list_table{"
Is it normal that there is a "/*" before that ?

Also, where can I find the CSS-part to edit the fontsize of the titels of the colomns?

preview of my table:

Moonsoft support 2012-11-20 17:33:57

you're right, may be confusing because old topics may refer to previous releases, sorry for that.
Please check this instructions instead:

- If you are using joomla 3.x, you should edit default.css file
- If you are using joomla 2.5, the file is default2.css

When you find /* */ blocks, all style inside is deprecated, so it has no use. In order to change the colors, first remove the white background for the table

(about line 304), delete background:#fff;

.lm_result tbody td ,tbody th {
padding: 5px 10px;
background: #fff; /*delete this line*/
color: #000;
white-space: nowrap;

and add the styles of odd-even rows at the end of the css, this way:

.lm_trwhite {

.lm_trblack {

Column titles: you will find their style at the class:
(about line 287)

.lm_result th {
font: normal 1.5em/120% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;


Hope this helps, regards

User moon_679 2012-11-22 18:51:30


I have now the latetst version installed: 1.1.1

But I can't find the .css files.
I only find default.css en default2.css under the admin-folders

Ok, I found the file under "/modules/mod_listmanager/assets/css"
I entered some new color-codes, but I don't see any changes

Edited by moon_679 - 22.11.2012 18:54

Moonsoft support 2012-11-23 10:43:00


Please try this. In file JOOMLA/modules/mod_listmanager/assets/js/listmanager.js

add in line 420 :


Code should be like this:

trdato=new Element('tr',{'class':'lm_trblack'});
for(var h=0; h

Moonsoft support 2014-02-09 14:16:49

The above worked perfectly for getting the results in the front end to alternate colors for the entries!

Question, what files would need to be modified in order to get the exported pdf and excel files to do the same?

Moonsoft support 2014-02-10 09:45:09

great it worked. You can't style excel output as its built using plain csv. Regarding pdf, you will find the output built for pdf at the sources:


but you will need to introduce some code to try to add any style, not sure which styles or clases will be supported by the pdf library, in case you want to take a look and try some changes, we suggest to check the official site

Hope this helps, regards


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