List Manager Forum

Filter presetting and execution via link and POST

User Thomas Scheuer 2025-01-15 13:10:56

Hi, here I am again,

I would like to have some tiles on the start page that go to the List Manager page when clicked. Parameters are to be passed via POST, with which a filter is pre-assigned and the search is executed. For example, I have a tile for the music category on the start page, when I click on it I should go to the List Manager page, music is selected in the category filter and is also displayed in the filter and all events with the music category are displayed. Somehow I can't get this to work.

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Best regards, Thomas

Moonsoft support 2025-01-15 14:02:47

that kind of function of applying external post parameters is not built in by default, but you can simulate a similar behaviour using a fixed-filter at your list, this way:

-- Copy your list, and set at display->fixed custom filter your custom query, for your case, something like

kategorie like '%Music%'

-- Publish this list (maybe you will want to remove the manual kategorie filter, it won't have sense as the kategorie now is fixed).

-- Create a button on another page, linking to this new list. The music categorie will be always applied, and combined with the rest of the filters you may want to add.

Hope this helps, regards
Guillermo V.
Moonsoft Team

User Thomas Scheuer 2025-01-15 15:18:24

that's not the answer I was hoping for. I understand what you mean, but the visitor should be able to select also other categories on the List Manger page after landing there. There will be several categories (approx. 15 - 20) and also other (linked) filters, which would result in a huge number of pages and would not offer the variability that I / the visitor needs. Is there no other way to achieve this? It doesn't have to be with POST or GET, maybe via session variables or something like that and a bit of PHP and/or JS?

Best regards, Thomas

Moonsoft support 2025-01-15 16:39:13

right, if you set it with the fixed filter, then you restrict always the view to that category. There is no way to build an 'external' menu in some other page able to redirect to a pre-filtered table, still keeping the option to navigate other options. But of course, with some custom code at the extension and some js code at the javascript section for the list such a function could be developed.

If you're interested in getting a quote, please let us know, we'll take a deeper look and confirm the best approach, at first sight it doesn't seem a very complex development.

Guillermo V.
Moonsoft Team


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