List Manager Forum

No "Details" option offered in Data Layout

User Dave Dodds 2024-09-04 23:26:19

The Details button is not being offered on the Data Layout page.

I do have a detail page layout saved.

The Database Table specified is actually a MySQL View.

I'm running List Manager 5.4.0 on Joomla 4.4.7.

Thanks for your attention


Moonsoft support 2024-09-05 09:59:35

we have tried to check your configuration but we're unable to access the backend sorry, can you please share the admin url as well?. The configuration required to show a row detail would be to save the detail page layout, and insert the detail button into any of your toolbars at the 'data layout' configuration. The button should show just below 'bulk update' option so you can place it at any section, there is no restriction attached to this option. If you're not able to find it please share the url and we'll take a look.

Thanks, regards
Guillermo V.
Moonsoft Team

User Dave Dodds 2024-09-05 15:18:12

URL attached….thanks

Moonsoft support 2024-09-05 16:36:20

ok, thank you, we have now found the issue and fixed. If you upgrade to the latest version you should see the detail button showing normally at the configuration page.

Best regards
Guillermo V.

User Dave Dodds 2024-09-11 20:41:56

Thanks G,

The Details button now appears but the row select check boxes don't.

User Dave Dodds 2024-09-13 04:07:40


With the latest download, the Details button now appears but….

the check boxes to select a row do not.

Can you investigate ?



Moonsoft support 2024-09-13 12:30:24

sure, sorry for the delay , we were still working on it. We finally managed to reproduce, there are some cases for the views where the record is not able to identify its internal record key column, so it wasn't showing the checkbox. Please upgrade again, we've introduced a tweak to solve that, and let us know if you have further problems with this function.

Best regards
Guillermo V.
Moonsoft Team

User Dave Dodds 2024-09-13 17:54:32

That fixed it.

Many thanks,



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