List Manager Forum

Link to Other Table Type with Text Field

User Alex King 2024-07-30 20:12:47

I have a Link to Other Table Type which is meant to be names of people like "John Smith". However, I think because there is a space in the name it doesn't like through to the other table (which is actually another Link Manager component on the same table - not sure if that is important). It seems to work if there is a single word in the field. I could perhaps force the field to a be a single word (eg. with a non-breaking space character) but then user searches won't work correctly. Is there a way of fixing this so the link to other table can handle spaces?

Moonsoft support 2024-07-31 15:26:25

you're right, we have realised this happens because of the cmd filter joomla is applying to that input parameter, and we have added a fix, so it should work as expected if you upgrade to the latest version 5.4.0. Please let us know if you have further problems to see the link working.

Best regards
Guillermo V.
Moonsoft Team

User Alex King 2024-08-08 16:25:43

Thanks - seems to work except there is a popup when I click on a table link:

<website address> says:

I have to OK that to then see the filtered results. Is there anyway of switching that popup off?

Moonsoft support 2024-08-08 17:00:11

Yes, indeed that popup was not supposed to show on screen. Please download again same version 5.4.0 and upgrade, the popup should dissapear.

Best regards
Guillermo V.
Moonsoft Team

User Alex King 2024-08-10 10:32:20

Still seems to be doing it - can you check the version and if there is anything else we need to do?

Moonsoft support 2024-08-11 21:07:18

the number version is the same than the previous one (5.4.0), but it includes the change. Being a js file change, you may be seeing the cached old one. Can you please try to clean either the server cache or your browser cache and let us know if you can see any change?
Thanks, best regards
Guillermo V.
Moonsoft Team

User Alex King 2024-08-13 15:15:57

Thanks - clearing the cache worked for me so we can close the ticket.

Moonsoft support 2024-08-13 22:08:00

Great, please open a new one in case you find any other issue.
Best regards
Guillermo V.


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