List Manager Forum

Using 3rd party plugins

User Porter 2024-06-12 17:07:55

Hello again!

I''m almost done with my questions :)

I use a tooltip-plugin that is activated by typing e.g., {tip title="Title"} etc. in an editor.
Since I can have an url in the HTML Editor, using tooltip seemed like a straight forward solution.
It doesn't activate though... any ideas or suggestions?


Moonsoft support 2024-06-13 09:40:37

yes, this happens because the plugins parse the content to be printed on any article before it's sent to the page, but they are not going to parse a dynamic content recovered by a module (and even less probably being an AJAX call like the ListManager does to recover table data), so they don't usually work for 3rd party created content. In order to force the plugin to execute, we can think in the following workaround:

- Create an override of the html field output of the listmanager:
copying the file /administrator/components/com_listmanager/Helper/Listadm/tmpl/show_basic.php
into your_template/html/com_listmanager

- Now modify the view to call the plugin/s required. Let's say is a content plugin you want to execute, then you would need to change the line 9, where it now reads

echo $data;

for this one instead

echo \Joomla\CMS\HTML\HTMLHelper::_('content.prepare',$data);

This would parse the content using the enabled content plugins, you can give it a try, and maybe ask for further support to the specific plugin devs in case it doesn't work, just in case some other code or action is required for it to execute properly.

Hope this helps, regards
Moonsoft Team

User Porter 2024-11-03 13:59:42

Did not work but no further support is needed.

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