List Manager Forum

Table width issue

User Henryxml 2024-02-18 13:44:12

Running joomla 5.02 and latest listmanager. In table configuration I find "small" and "normal" as options and it seems not working. Would like to customize the table width as User pfnuesu did, But dont know where to find this paricular custom CSS file/ option to past pfnuesu code in. Little guidline is greatly appreciated. Kind Regards

Moonsoft support 2024-02-19 11:48:10

the small and normal parameter applies a slight change making the borders stretch to the contents (compacts the table suppressing extra-paddings), but it won't make your columns change width. Please upgrade to the latest release, and try again. The table width is set by default, but you can change each column width to make them use different space applying custom css. With this new version, you will see a new button at the main menu 'Css' where you can introduce your custom classes and specific styles if you still need to.

Please let us know if you need further help.

User Henryxml 2024-02-19 16:00:15

Thank You for that extremly fast support :D
works like a charm, Kind regards
Henry Marquardt


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