List Manager Forum

Display images

User Porter 2024-02-06 20:35:17

Hello, newbie here!
How do I make images visible in the frontend?

Moonsoft support 2024-02-07 09:27:20

each cell is going to display the content you have loaded at your db, so depending on the content you have stored, then you may need to select a different field type to be shown. For ex, if you have stored a valid img tag in html, just selecting the type 'html' is going to display your image inside the cell. If you have stored the url of the image, then you can select the type 'calculated', and you can build the img tag based on that url. If you need further help about this last option, or you're not sure how to configure, you can place a ticket at the helpdesk, because it allows to share code and screenshots in a better way that public the forum.

Thanks, regards

User Porter 2024-06-09 09:08:09

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