List Manager Forum

Transfer lists from joomla 3 to joomla 4

User phil64 2022-06-20 13:26:28


is it possible to transfer the list in joomla 3 to joomla 4?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards,

Moonsoft support 2022-06-21 17:23:12

please check the instructions about how to upgrade from J3 to J4 version, the new version includes a tool to migrate tables across versions, although you still will need to complete the list configuration for the new version, here the link with the details:

Hope this helps

Moonsoft support 2023-08-16 10:06:49


I can't find the Migration-Tool in my Joomla/Listmanager-Installation. How do I start it?

best regards

Moonsoft support 2023-08-16 10:27:58

the migration tool from the link above should be present at the main toolbar of the listmanager backend for every version of Joomla 4. From Joomla backend Components->List Manager, then go to the top button toolbar, where you find buttons 'add', 'add db table'....and the migration tool 'import data from Joomla 3', just following the 'delete database table' button.

Hope this helps, regards

Moonsoft support 2023-08-16 16:52:07


thank you, but I don't have this button. After the "delete Database Table"-Button follows the Buttons "Historic Access" and "Historic Search".

I use Joomla 4.3.3 and Listmanager 4.4.5. The old installation is one the same server. Did I do some mistakes at the installation or need I to do some other steps I missed?

Thank you for your help.

best regards

Moonsoft support 2023-08-17 11:41:57

ok, that button has a restriction to show that is 'if the tables from Listmanager 3.X are present'. If you updated your Joomla those tables must be there, you can check at your database if you can find the 'old' tables, they are called YOURdbPREFIX_listmanager_xxx for example:


If you have these tables at another different db where your current installation can't reach them, then the button won't be available. If this is the case, you'll need to copy these tables to your current db before launching the migration.

Please let us know if you need further help
Thanks, best regards

Moonsoft support 2023-08-29 09:22:52


I have imported the tables from the old database into the new joomla4-database, but the import-button won't show up.
Do I need a an Add- or Add DB Table-Action before for the import?

best regards

Moonsoft support 2023-08-29 09:56:07

as soon as the old tables are available the button should show up, so we think you may have missed any table, or, the old db prefix doesn't match anymore with your actual installation, so the tables are not properly found at your schema. You can place a ticket at the helpdesk sharing an access, we'll check the old tables names and structure and let you know how to fix.

Thanks, best regards
Moonsoft Team


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