List Manager Forum


User ckennedy 2020-06-19 15:15:37

Trying to make things a little simpler for those editing the content of the list, so I dont want to use inline styling if possible.
I cant find or even see any style sheets being loaded, though I can see most styling starts with lm, none are loaded according to Firebug, so the question is where are these loaded.

I have tried inline styling and it is ignored, I also tried setting my own class, also ignored.
It may be related, but when I view the results on the front side, in card format, I have the field title followed by the actual field content, but in all parts of the layout on the back end I have removed the field title from being displayed, but it remains visible on the front end.

Moonsoft support 2020-06-20 11:49:04

there are several style sheets being loaded with the table, you will always have this one:


and, depending on the style chosen for the table at the configuration step, there is an additional file being loaded,
for ex:


When you set the inline styling and/or you write your own class they will be applied following default css rules, so maybe you're not seeing the expected style because some inheritance from your template or from any other css loaded at the page, if you can provide any example of an style not being applied you can share the url on a private ticket and we'll let you know why is not being applied the way you want.

Anyway, please note when you're working on the layout, what you're configuring is only the front-end input form, not the main table/cards view. In order to set any style class for any data field, you have for each one one parameter 'css class' that you can use to style each one as needed.


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