List Manager Forum

backend-editor does not allow tag

User gigi 2016-11-01 00:05:13

When I want to edit the form-layout for the frontend, in the backend there is an editor, which does not allow to insert not-interpretated html-code. Even when I choose code or code sample in the drop down list "Format", where e.g. normally all "" are translated into "" the editor re-translte it and interpretate it as html.

In my example I want the users to fill in some html code into a field, when they add data to a list. When I create an article with the JCE-Editor I fill in e.g:

After saving it, the wysiwyg-editor shows:

But not the editor in List Manager. It interpretates it, so the linked image is shown.

What can I do?

Moonsoft support 2016-11-01 07:03:06


About HTML editors in frontend you can choose between Joomla editor or the one provided by List Manager using 'Choose frontend Editor for HTML fields' option in configuration. If you refers to backend, List Manager use Joomla HTML editor. You should check if the editor selected are well-configured. In case this editor (JCE?) not working properly, you can select code mirror or none and edit HTML fields without any editor interpretation.


User gigi 2016-11-02 20:42:59


unfortunatly that doesen´t work. Even when I use Code Mirror the Code will be translated. While in an Article I can use JCE or Code Mirror: the code is shown as code.

When in the editor I click on Save all

Even in this Editor here in the Forum, the thing happens as decribed :(

Other Ideas

Edited by gigi - 02.11.2016 20:44

Moonsoft support 2016-11-03 08:51:42


This must be an specific configuration on your site. Please place a ticket at helpdesk with an url, user/pass of your site and we'll take a look.


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