List Manager Forum

List Manager for Joomla 2.5

User moon_266 2012-02-02 12:58:47

I just updated my Joomla from 1.7 to 2.5 and hoped that this extension would work in 2.5 like almost all other 1.7-extensions. It seems though that it has problems with views (like Jevents had) or something else because I have white screen when I try to view the component from frontend. Or is it just me doing something wrong? Backend works fine though. I hope you're working currently with new version because this extension looks like a perfect piece to my puzzle. ;)

Moonsoft support 2012-02-02 19:16:58

we've not made all compatibility tests for joomla 2.5, so at this time we are not able to claim usability for that version. Next release will be joomla 2.5 compatible, but we've made a fresh install of version for 1.7 on a joomla 2.5, and it shows the list, and adding records works as well, so we understand the rest of the functions will work ok. Maybe the upgrade made some configuration change, we suggest to save again your list configuration, your acl page, and the component/module configuration and try again, or backup your data and reinstall list manager again.

Hope this helps, best regards

User moon_266 2012-02-02 19:42:25

It seems to be working fine now. I added a row and saved and modified access control a bit and tadaaaa - it's working. Thanks for the great extension!

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