List Manager Forum

Sorting Options?

User m22rdy 2016-06-04 01:02:04

In the demo there is a way to click on the header and it will sort the column but I cannot seem to find the option to turn this on?

Moonsoft support 2016-06-04 12:09:14

you need to enable this option for every field where you want to see the order function working. At your fields configuration you will find a switch 'show order' that you can configure.

Hope this helps, regards

User m22rdy 2016-06-04 13:41:19

Hi, Thanks I've enabled them but the sorting option still doesn't appear at the top of my table. :(

User m22rdy 2016-06-04 22:27:26


Just disregard. My testing site wasn't/isn't working properly.

When I loaded the software into my main site, it worked as expected.

Many Thanks

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