List Manager Forum

Getting radio buttons to save data...

User 2016-03-18 06:04:27

Have a radio button field with tow choices, yes and no. In actions Name is Yes, with Value 01, then Mane is No with Value 02. The buttons display in the form correctly, I can select one of them and save the record. However in the Manage Data tool no values are saved. What piece am I missing?

User 2016-03-18 06:17:35

Did some more testing, the selected value(s) do appear on the web page listing correctly, just not in the admin list data form. Is that correct behavior, seems odd?

Moonsoft support 2016-03-18 11:40:03

yes, the values should appear both at the front or the back end. We have tried here and we have the radiobuttons working properly. Please use the option 'export list (backup)' of your list and attach the resulting xml to a private ticket at your helpdesk, we'll try to reproduce here and let you know if there is any adjustment or configuration missing.

Thanks, regards

User 2016-03-18 20:21:21

Fixed with release listmanager_2.2.14_25_30


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