List Manager Forum

Change order of field

User steindocter 2015-10-13 12:03:02


Uploaded CSV data and the form already looks great. However, I now like to move one column before another field.

Now it reads: Company, Location, Country but I like to change the order to Company, Country, Location.

How to change order of fields (backend).

Stein Docter

Moonsoft support 2015-10-13 13:44:38

by default, the order of the columns will follow the same order in which you added fields to your list, but you can force another custom order setting the paramater 'order' for each field of your list (at edit-fields configuration tab). Just enter a numeric order for your fields
1 for company
2 for country...

and so on to get both the backend list data and the front end view columns ordered as required.

Hope this helps, regards

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