List Manager Forum

Export to PDF

User franky466 2015-06-04 12:07:10

If the list has more than 132 entries, Export to PDF does not work.
Lists with 132 entries are still displayed as PDF, from 133 goes nothing.
Export to Excel works

Update !!
I found out, if I delete one of the 16 columns of the list, PDF works ...... ???

Edited by franky466 - 04.06.2015 12:39

New Info !!!

I found it. If I switch the Joomla bug report from "No" to "standard", I get the following error message:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 130968 bytes) in ....

I think the problem is the available memory on my webserver

Is there a way to make the PDF export less memory intensive ?

Edited by franky466 - 04.06.2015 23:29

Moonsoft support 2015-06-05 09:11:34


As you could see, List Manager has no limits on creating pdf file. Webserver usually limits memory use, execution time and other limit configurations. List Manager uses mpdf as pdf library. With this library you can create a 'compress' execution to use less memory. You can the check steps needed here:

You can do it at your own risk. We always suggest to make a backup before any changes. If helps, we tested here and seems to work.


User franky466 2015-06-05 12:53:25


I've tried it. Now the mpdf.php is only 700KB in size.
Now I get the error message

Fatal error: Call to undefined method MPDF :: SetHTMLFooter () in /var/www/........../components/com_listmanager/views/serverpages/tmpl/pdf.php on line 103

Fixed !!!

after start compress.php i must also select HTMLHEADERS-FOOTERS
then it works

Thanks and best regards

Edited by franky466 - 05.06.2015 15:39

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