List Manager Forum

No list and display bug

User moon_1879 2014-11-24 11:29:26

I install List Manager and put data. Created form Layout.
i created menu to listmanager anth there are no list, no data and button look bad:

you can check here :

I have a mutualised ovh offer.

can you help me ?

Moonsoft support 2014-11-24 13:30:16

we added a default order column to your list and now displays properly without using any order button. This is set at configuration->front view config->Default list order by

Also just uploaded a new version of the extension solving this, so there will be no new to choose any default column, in case you want to upgrade.

About the buttons, we can see for a while the original button style, and then the template css overwritting and applying new button style. If you load the extension without template you can see the default styles:

Those background images are being set afterwards by your template css to all buttons:

line 1481:

div.selector, div.selector span, div.checker span, span, div.uploader, div.uploader span.action, div.button, div.button span {
background-image: url("../img/ui/sprite.png");

and line 1833:

background-position: 0 -523px;

You can modify your css to remove these settings or adjust as needed.

Please let us know if you need more help with this.


User moon_1879 2014-11-27 13:53:26

i have remove this settings but always display bug


Moonsoft support 2014-11-27 14:09:32


Your display problem seems to be caused by some code you've modified at the default source. Please check JOOMLA/modules/mod_listmanager/tmpl/tools.php or replace with the original one to avoid issues.


User moon_1879 2014-11-27 14:15:30


Your display problem seems to be caused by some code you've modified at the default source. Please check JOOMLA/modules/mod_listmanager/tmpl/tools.php or replace with the original one to avoid issues.


I have not modified any file of listmanager module juste main.css for joomla template.
I will try to replace tools.php with original.

Moonsoft support 2014-11-28 10:13:59

ok, if the layout problem persists we suggest to check if there is any plugin introducing that content inside the list toolbar. We can see a text in french that doesn't belong to the default code which is affecting the position of the other elements.


Edited by MSTeam - 28.11.2014 10:15

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