List Manager Forum

Rate field - html edition

User _MSTeam# 2014-01-07 11:59:50

Please find below our comments about some questions received:

'Ratings – The Star rating function is an important feature for the data that I am displaying. Is it possible to turn off the ability of a web-user from changing the star rating(in list view)- and to still have the stars appear in the list/table as a filterable column? My intension is to rate each line myself within the csv & to publish the list/table with fixed ratings. Can the javascript code be modified to stop users from posting a star rating? If so, are you able to make changes to the code & provide the modified file?'

In fact, it is intended to be configurable using acl table, marking the ratings as non-editable fields, but we checked its not working properly for all cases. Please download again latest version and upgrade, and you should see this already solved.

'I have added weblinks into the csv file. This has been done successfully & is displayed in the table successfully, however the impact is that editing the data in the backend does not operate. Are you aware of this? Is there a way of inserting weblinks without affecting editing? If not, then will you be considering to improve List manager in the future?
Soon I will also try and add references to images into the data, but expect that this will cause the same problems with editing data as described in item 2 above. Do you have any comments on this?'

You should be able to edit data loaded from csv same way as it was manually stored, please double check the destination column has the type 'html' in order content can be shown inside html editor to be editable afterwards.

Thanks, regards

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