List Manager Forum

List look up?

User moon_1371 2013-12-10 01:55:48

Trying to set up a field that looks up values from a second table. Set type to "Link to other List" but can't find the "URL list" for the list I'm trying to link to.


Moonsoft support 2013-12-10 09:22:04

the link to the other list is the page url where you have published the second list, like a normal link to other page. You can publish this menu item for a while to get the url on your navigator, and maybe hide the entry afterwards moving it to a hidden menu.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1371 2013-12-10 13:05:31


Now have the correct URL however when I try to add a new record nothing different is happening when I get to the linked field.

I want the user to be have to select the field value from the second list when adding a new record.


Moonsoft support 2013-12-10 16:11:02

the 'link to other list' type is not intended to recover options from other list to add new data, it creates a html link to navigate to the other list, with a filter applied, it's not what you need to get options available.

In order to create a combobox filled with values comming from other table, you should use the type 'option list', but configuring the options as 'sql actions', where you can write the query used to recover values.

For ex, if you write SELECT id, username FROM #__users

the option list will show all users from your db to choose from.

If you want to select values from another listmanager table you will need another query, you should get the field Id from the second table, and recover all values stored:

select value,value from #__listmanager_values where idfield=X

(replacing X for the ID number of the field containing values)

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1371 2013-12-11 12:23:45

Thank you.

I've set up the field as per your instructions. (Note: the window for adding the SQL query is right at the top of my screen and I can't see what I'm entering so I'm cutting and pasting and assuming it's there)

I've uploaded a table called builders and added the SQL query

SELECT cb_builderName FROM ove83_builders

When I try to add a record from the front end the "Builder" field is a drop down but the list isn't appearing

If I proceed anyway and try to add a record I get the following:

string(1) "7"

instead of the new record.

Moonsoft support 2013-12-11 16:04:55

you should see the sql window centered, maybe you have something conflicting with default jquery, like another template for the backend or any plugin adding js content?

You also have a button to test the result of the query at that window, we suggest to check it, it will show you the results obtained that will be shown on the option list. And finally, add a second field to your query, even if its the same

select cb_builderName, cb_builderName from.....

because the option list needs a couple of values, the 'label', and the real 'value' of each option.

Hope this helps, regards

User moon_1371 2013-12-11 19:10:25

OK Almost there I think.

Made changes to the SQL query and I now see the list when I test it from the back end.

When I go to the front end to add a boat there is a list (I think) but you can't see it (white text (?) on white background)

Moonsoft support 2013-12-12 09:52:40

without checking the page, we can't be sure if the values are really there and they are printed with white labels. If its really a css issue, that property must be set at your template css, because listmanager doesn't apply white style to the comboboxes, all properties are inherited. If you share your url we can confirm if there is any style affecting.


User moon_1371 2013-12-13 18:01:12

I created a test list with two fields: User and Builder
User type is User
Builder type is Option List

I can add data to the list using Manage Data and the two fields behave correctly. When I try to display the same list on the front end nothing appears. This is the same behaviour I'm seeing with the Boat list that I'm trying to create.

I created a few screen captures to show what is going on. I'll send them by separate email.

At this point I don't think it's the tables that are causing the problem as the test I created only has three records and it behaves in the same way as the larger list.


Moonsoft support 2013-12-16 09:30:05


We answered in Helpdesk.


User moon_1371 2013-12-16 14:06:44

How do I access the Helpdesk?

Moonsoft support 2013-12-16 18:00:32

use your customer access and enter helpdesk system, same way you used to place the ticket. Enter your ticket number there to access the thread where we have placed our comments.

Thanks, regards

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