CalcBuilder Forum

"export to" text and Popup Tips on Fields

User moon_664 2012-09-14 04:42:29

2 quick questions...
1. On the bottom of the results table there is the "export to" pdf or excel. The text and icons are very small. I was able to make the pdf and excel icons larger but couldn't find where to edit the "export to" text. I wanted to change the actual wording to "export as pdf or excel; Click on the following icons" or something like that

2. We have created a custom financial calculator with a lot of variables. It would be great to be able to add a popup javascript event when you hover the mouse over a field that says something like "enter $125,000 for example" or "ie 15%"

This is an awesome component with great customer support

Moonsoft support 2012-09-14 09:40:46

thank you for your feedback.

About first question:

You can change icons at (overwrite them):

PDF : JOOMLA/modules/mod_calcbuilder/assets/img/pdf_button.png
Excel : JOOMLA/modules/mod_calcbuilder/assets/img/excel_button.png

To change text you can go to JOOMLA/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_calcbuilder.ini and search for this entry:

EXPORT="Export to"

and change "Export to" with your required text.

About second question, if you want to show a popup window, you may need to change code and use some javascript. But if you need to show a title with a good style (a tooltip), you can try to use hasTip class(It´s part of Joomla core). Go to 'Form Layout' on your calculator and write:

<span class="hasTip" title="Title on box">test</span>

With a class hasTip, you should see title when mouse is over text.

Hope this helps. Regards,


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