CalcBuilder Forum

Calculated results in modal window?

User moon_598 2012-07-13 17:13:48

Is it possible when the user clicks the calculate button that the results can be displayed in a pop-up window? If so, what do I have to do to do this?

Moonsoft support 2012-07-16 09:37:33

sorry to tell you that at this time is not a configuration option of calcbuilder, so in order to have it working that way you should change the code of the calcbuilder module itself. We could point you which is the file that is rendering the front-view, in case you want to give it a try, but we warn you it's not a simple thing to code.
The output is created at this file:


at it's inserted inside a div with id="xxxx_cb_result"

The output is updated at submitAjaxForm function.

We could also build a custom module in order to get that output, please place a ticket at helpdesk or send us an email if you are interested in getting a quote for that.

Thank you very much


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