CalcBuilder Forum

Native support for joomla jquery in Mod Calcbuilder

User Jean Machuron 2018-05-07 13:42:32


Can you tell me when you will support natively joomla jQuery for Calcbuilder ?
Importing old jQuery libraries breaks a lot of things in joomla


Moonsoft support 2018-05-08 09:35:30

some versions ago we added a set of switches at 'preferences' tab, in order to choose if the module imports jquery framework, bootstrap framework. etc. This switch allows you to use the jquery library already present at your page, and also ensure you'll always have a working version of the library in case your template loads an incompatible version at any time (without having to upgrade/buy our extension again). Even with the switch enabled, importing jquery library is always done using an specific alias for calcbuilder (CB) , so using this instance won't cause any side effect.


User Jean Machuron 2018-09-07 15:20:58

We noticed a small problem in the mod calcbuilder template file regarding the line 66

$document->addScript ( JRoute::_ ( $scriptbase . 'jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js' ) );

This line should be moved outside of the if statement and set line 77 for instance to avoid a js error on pages where the module is displayed and native jquery is provided by the template.

Seems like the file jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js is not provided by templates and then if we choose not to import bootstrap and jquery this fails.

Can you confirm ?

We use helix ultimate and sppagebuilder pro


Moonsoft support 2018-09-10 10:05:12


With Calc Builder you can choose to import Jquery or not, if you choose to import the component works with no error, but if you choose not to use Jquery, obviously you should provide it in any other way, mostly the template. jQuery and jQueryUI versions are linked, so one jQueryUI version works with some jQuery versions and not with others, so if decide not to use jQuery from Calc Builder, you should provide both(and compatible) jQuery and jQueryUI. Anyway you can choose to include jQuery from Calc Builder as it won't conflict with the one from your template.

About templates, there are more than 10000 templates for Joomla, so we can't confirm if in your specific case you should change the line as you did or there is any other better solution (it should be ok if now it works for you). Only we can give you the reason why jQuery and jQueryUI are linked and why should be added together.


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