CalcBuilder Forum

VM Plugin: Custom Field as Plugin

User lineaweb 2016-07-22 18:08:48

Good morning

I wonder how to get the value from a custom field as plugin (Text Input) in the calculator. I already know as String dropdown list is $_arrData. But I cant get the value in the same way for text input.

Thanks in advance

Moonsoft support 2016-07-25 09:09:23

seems VM sends parameters on a different way depending on its type. We have here the VM custom field- customer input, which sends
always a parameter "comment". Is this one the field you're trying to recover?

Thanks, regards

User lineaweb 2016-07-25 17:10:26

Good morning,

Yes that same field (VM Custom - Customer text input) is the one I am trying to get in the calc but I tried:
$_arrData (Field name)

Without luck, so I cant find the way. Any tip is really appreciate.


If you need to check the admin, I already sent the info by ticket system

Thank you so much

Moonsoft support 2016-07-25 22:42:27

please try with this:


If you still can't get any value, please place a new ticket and share an url where we can see that field in action inside a product, we'll debug and let you know how to recover the value sent.

Thanks, regards


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