CalcBuilder Forum

download excel

User 2016-01-04 18:07:41

I just purchase the calcbuilder, I have spreadsheet calculator, how can I import, I dont purchased extended one, do i need to buy that one for import the excel?

Moonsoft support 2016-01-04 18:12:02

yes, if you want to use an excel sheet to make the calculations, you need the extended version. The first video of the demo section:

shows how to create a calculator from an excel file. Please let us know if you need further help with any of the steps.


User 2016-01-04 18:46:59

HI Do you have sample calculator, in the info section shows like that we can download from library?

Also how to display the calculator in the page or an article?

Edited by - 04.01.2016 18:55

Moonsoft support 2016-01-04 19:22:58

you will find a complete set of example calculators at your customer area, just below the component download section. In order to load a calculator, unzip to get the xml file and use 'import' at your calcbuilder backend.

Calcbuilder can be published as a module or as a component, so you can publish either way:

As a component: create a new menu item type 'calcbuilder' and select the calculator to publish

As a module: select one of your template positions, or type one custom position, for ex: calculatorposition, then you can use inside an article

{load position calculatorposition}

to show the calculator at a specific point of your article

Hope this helps, regards

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