CalcBuilder Forum

Problem Intalling

User moon_1414 2014-01-09 23:52:38

when i try to intall the component from the zip downloaded it send mi a white page, so i unzip it an then try to install the component but it send me this mensaje

JInstaller: :Instalar: Error SQL Función de la base de datos fallida con el número de error 1074
Column length too big for column 'thousand_number_format' (max = 255); use BLOB or TEXT instead

Edited by MSTeam - 10.01.2014 09:21

Moonsoft support 2014-01-10 09:20:00


Seems your Mysql version is lower than 5.0.3 ( Joomla technical requirements set Mysql version to 5.0.4+ for Joomla 2.5 and Mysql version 5.1+ for Joomla 3.x.

You could get more info about Joomla technical requirements here:


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