To add tabs in form layout, you could use jquery ui tabs. This is a working example:
- Go to http://jqueryui.com/tabs/ ,check in view source and copy in Form Layout div with id='tabs'
- Go to Javascript events and in first tab add:
CB(function() {
CB( \"#tabs\" ).tabs();
Hello. Should I install Jquery themes or bundle before?
That sample uses some .js and .css:
//link rel="stylesheet" href="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" /
// script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js"
// script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js"
//link rel="stylesheet" href="/resources/demos/style.css"
Edited by moon_1193 - 31.07.2013 21:10
You don´t need to install anything. JQuery and jQuery UI are integrated in Calcbuilder.
As you could see in javascript code above, we use CB prefix for jQuery instead of $ or jQuery. Use CB as prefix in 'Javascript events', prevent conflicts with other components.
I did this, but u can see on pic 1
Should I mix your PDf sample with that sample?
Excuse me, because I am the newbee.
And second question: How could I put any calcs into article(not into module)?
Is there anything something like {calk1} ?
Best regards.
You could make your custom PDF using HTML editor in 'Print Preferences'. Disable 'Include input' and 'Include result' and include inside HTML code/form variables as ##YOUR_VARIABLE## like in 'form layout' format.
To put modules on article you could use {loadposition MYPOSITION}. Please check it at http://docs.joomla.org/How_do_you_put_a_module_inside_an_article%3F to get more info about it.
Hope this helps. Regards,
Thank you.
I know about {loadposition ddd}. But will work {loadmodule ddd}?
Yes, it works. Set on module options (in Module manager) ddd as position. And don´t forget to set 'Module Assignment' to 'On all pages' or on the article page, and set 'status' as 'published'.
As example I set the position of the calc module "right".
If I write {loadposition right} it works. But I don't need double module on article (loaded on right position and by {loadposition ...}).
If I write {loadmodule right} it doesn't work.
I think that I need to use {loadmodule TYPE_OF_MY_MODULE (like mod_login)}.
You don´t need to use a predefined position. You should named your position with any name. For example:
Position in module, type : mycalc
In article: {loadposition mycalc}
This is what you need.
It works, thanks.
I could not create a custom user position and I used any position from another template.
I try to make tabs view as written on quickstart pdf, but it doesn't work.
1. I made simple html structure on Form Layout
2. I wrote the same code at javascript section on "Executed on loaded page". (but in pdf it written to place code "using the first option Javascript events")
Edited by moon_1193 - 30.07.2013 17:32