CalcBuilder Forum

Importing edited calc

User moon_766 2012-12-31 23:29:32

I have extracted a rate table out of a spreadsheet into an exported xml calc. Made sure the syntax and formatting is correct. Reason for doing it this way is that there are over 2000 multivalues that need to go in there, impossible to do it manually so I created a macro to convert the data.

When I try importing final calc into Joomla it goes into a blank screen and wont complete the import. Please advise how else it could be done or is Calc Builder unable to import fields with a few thousand multivalues?
I can email you the file I'm trying to import so you can look at it.

Moonsoft support 2013-01-02 09:23:05

you can import as many values as you need, they are stored at database, the extension has no problems handling that. But you probably are facing any server limit imposed by your hosting. It could be a maximum number of variables handled, a maximum post size, timeout can try to check your server error log file in order to get the detailed message. There you can see if your uploaded file is correct, and/or which server variable are you exceeding.

If this is your case and you're not allowed to increase your limits, then you could try to insert directly at the database. Load a small amount of data and then edit the fields at the database to add extended data. You will find your multivalues at the table


you could use the option SQL to include multivalues at execution time through sql query. You can create a custom database table with your data, and configure the options for the list as a query, this way you don't have to load the options inside the calculator, they will be recovered at runtime.

Hope this helps, regards

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