
How to create the fields(columns) of your list

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After selecting a title for your list and a general description you can access the 'fields' tab in order to configure your columns.

Click 'Add Field' for each of the columns you need to add to your list. For each column, you can configure:

General settings

  • Name: Is the title of the column that will be shown at the front-end as the header of the column.
  • Internal name: Alias used to place the field at input or detail forms. Please note you should only use A-Z a-z 0-9 characters here
  • Required: Check for required fields at the input form. They would be validated before form submission.
  • Type: You can choose among several types of fields, each one will show a different interface for user input:
    • Number: Text input with only numbers allowed. Please check your list Configuration->Front view config option to set your number format (decimal and thousand separators)
    • Number slider: Visual slider to select numbers within a range (configured with up and down limit parameters, see below)
    • Progress: . It shows a progress bar according to percentage calculated with value and range configured through down/up limits. For ex:
      ◦ With a configured range of 0-200, a value of 100 will show a progress bar filled at 50%.
      ◦ With a configured range of 0-100, a value of 25 will show a progress bar filled at 25%.
      ◦ Don't forget to configure up and down limits in order to get the progress bar working properly.
      Input form will show a numeric input field, while list view will show the visual bar filled to the present value.
    • Date: Input field with popup calendar attached. Date formats can be configured at your list Configuration->Front view config option.
    • Today: Date field set to the today date by default.Uses same format configured for 'date' types.
    • Option List: Combobox input to choose value among different options. Check 'how to load option values' section below. a->
    • Multiple Option (Check): A list of several options to select using checkboxes.
    • Multiple Option (List): A list of several options to select using a multiple combo box.
    • Radiobutton: List of options for single selection using radio button./li>
    • Yes/No: Single checkbox.
    • Text: Default text input.
    • Text Area: Big section of text, used to ask for non-formatted, multiline text.
    • HTML Editor: Shows a html editor as a helper to introduce formatted code that will be shown at your list
    • User: If you add a user column to your table, each record will be assigned to the joomla user that inserted the row. You can show the name of the user at your view or not, but the record will belong to that joomla user. Field user will not be requested when filled data, and if shown (marked as visible), will display the name of the joomla user who inserted the record. This assignment is used to filter records for each user, configurable at parameters section for the component or module.
    • Rating/Vote: Ask your users to vote this record from 1-5 stars.
      Note: This field type is intended to be used inside the table data, not to be edited at the input form, if you place it there, user will be able to see the results but not to change the value.
    • Buy Now Paypal Button: It will display a buy now button that will redirect to the paypal payment proccess attached to your custom button. When filling the value for this field you should enter the paypal button ID and it will create the required form to redirect to paypal page. You should select layout='SHOP' for a list containing this field, and check it as Visible='NO', in order to display the default buy now button at the bottom of the product sheet.
    • Link to other List: You can configure this field attached to some other field of a different listmanager list. Following the link user will be redirected to the other list filtered by the field you attached the value to. You can choose if you want the link to use current tab/window, a new one, or if you want to view the linked list inside a popup, which size is also configurable. You must fill the url where you have published the second list, and the list/field to apply the filter.
      Note: With latest version you can use any other field type as link to other list, this type is preserved for compatibility reasons. Please check 'Link to other list' settings configuration parameters below.
    • Autoincrement: Autoincreased integer. Non-editable field.
  • Order: Set any number here to configure the order of your table columns.
  • Visible: Enable/disable to hide/show this column at your front-end.
  • Autofilter:Select if you want to place an autofilter header for this column. You can select among: • Select: It will place a combobox at the header to select one value of the column.
    • Text: Free text filter at this column.
    • Checkbox: It will show all distinct values of the column to allow selection of multiple values.
  • Show order: enables/disables order links at the column header.
  • Exportable: Marks this column to be included at the output for pdf/excel/email.
  • Include in search: Will include this column content for the search
  • Search type: Select between 'broad' or 'exact'. If marked as 'exact' the search will find the record only if the data of the column matches exactly the search text. 'Broad' will show the row if the column contains the search string.
  • Bulk: Enables this column for bulk update at the front-end. Bulk update shows checkboxes to select different rows of the list and a form to insert new values for selected fields. All checked rows will be updated to these values in a single step.

Type settings

These parameters will hide/show depending on the field type you're selecting for this column.
  • Decimals: Number of decimal places allowed for numeric fields.
  • Validation: When using text type, you can add automatic validation for letters/letters&numbers/email/url.
  • Total: For numeric values, allows to set an operation to be performed over all column values. The result will be show as an additional row containing the results of the columns that have any 'total' operation attached. This row will show if you enable 'show totals' parameter at menu/module configuration. These are the operations allowed: -Sum: Sums all values of the column
    -Sum & Ceil: Sums and rounds to the next integer
    -Sum & Floor: Sums and rounds to the previous integer
    -Sum & Round: Sums and rounds to the nearer integer
    -Max: Returns maximum value of the column
    -Min: Returns minimum value of the column
    -Average: Calculates the average value of the column
  • Down limit: For numeric fields, minimum value allowed.
  • Up limit: For numeric fields, maximum value allowed.
  • Default value:Default value that will be shown at the input form. Use the 'value' data when setting default values for multivalued fields.
  • Placeholder: For text fields, default instructions text.
  • Css class: Will apply this custom style class name at the input field.
  • Readmore/ Readmore max chars:For text types, introduces a […] text after the number of chars configured, linked to a view of the whole text.
  • Card view block: (For card layout). Select if this field will be displayed always at the card ('Normal') or only when full card is displayed ('Large')

Link to other list settings

This section will allow you to configure if the cell should behave as a link to another list, filtered with this field content. For example if you have a couple of lists, 'Suppliers' with contact data and 'Materials', and 'materials' list has a 'supplier' column, you can link the supplier name of the first list to the materials list, in order to show materials attached to that supplier.

  • URL list: Type here the full url where the destination list is published at your site.
  • Field to filter:Select the destination list and field this cell content must match of the destination list to filter required rows to be shown.
  • Open list type: You can open the destination list at the same window, at a new tab or inside a popup.
  • Pop-up width/Pop-up height: For popup view, dimensions of the width/height desired (in pixels)

How to load option values

For option list, multiple options... Values to be shown for selection can be filled manually, through a sql query, in case you want to recover dinamically values from some existing table at your database, or introducing data using csv format.

  • Add manual values: 'Name' of the option is the value shown inside the combo box to be selected, 'value' is the 'alias' created for that value to be shown at the list.
  • Press SQL icon to add a new query to recover values dynamically when showing the form. You can enter any valid query to access your joomla database to recover at least two values per records, that will be used as 'value' and 'name' for the option list. You can use #__ as the prefix of your Joomla database, and also use ##iduser## tag, it will be replaced each time data is recovered for the user ID that is logged-in.
    For ex:
    SELECT id, username FROM #__users
    This example would recover users id as values and usernames as names for the list.
    Still another example:
    SELECT alias,title FROM #___menu
    would recover all your menu entries, using alias for the values, and title for the names of the options. You can preview data that will be recovered using the preview button.
  • CSV. A textarea will be shown for you to enter your data set. Paste your csv content (one option per line, comma separated), in order to create your multivalues options.

Key fields:

This section will allow you to configure if you want to set one or more columns as 'key' fields. This means records containing duplicated data for these columns will not be allowed.

In order to configure one field as 'key' just drag it from the 'fields' column list and drop it at the 'key fields' column list.

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